Taken by |
L.D. Russell |
Vendor |
23andMe |
Test Type |
Most distant ancestor |
George Russell, b. Abt 1808, Orange, North Carolina, USA , d. Bef 1910 |
Most recent common ancestor |
James Horatius Russell, II, b. 5 Jan 1917, Lost Creek, Vigo, Indiana, USA , d. 16 Jan 2003, Vigo, Indiana, USA |
Haplogroup |
E-M180 - Confirmed |
Terminal SNP |
E-M180 |
Y-SNP Branch Information on E
The Y-SNP branch E is defined by M40, M96, P170, P29, PF1445, PF1643, PF1823, SRY4064, SRY8299. Additionally, the downstream marker M180 is defining this branch as well.
You are are an inferred DNA test match cousin if you have not taken this test. This test shows the relationship with other testers who share this Paternal DNA Haplogroup. The Y-DNA Haplogroup E-M180 is the inferred male DNA of George Russell, his male descendants and his male ancestors.
You share an ancient paternal lineage with Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses III.